Thank you for stopping by! This blog is a place to get a sneak peek into the fabulous world I am surrounded by. I am a wife to an amazing husband of almost 15 years, mom to two perfect kiddos and a photographer of some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Capturing special moments with my camera and preserving them forever is my passion. If you would like for me to capture special moments for you and your family, contact me today! I look forward to getting to know you and your fabulous world.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Loving the Laughter-Jacksonville Family Photographer

Last week I met the most wonderful family at a local park and they were such a joy to photograph! Most of the time my favorite shots are the "shots between the shots" and this time was no exception. You can see the strong family bond they have through their laughter and their genuine smiles! Here is a little sneak peek, hope you enjoy!!!