Thank you for stopping by! This blog is a place to get a sneak peek into the fabulous world I am surrounded by. I am a wife to an amazing husband of almost 15 years, mom to two perfect kiddos and a photographer of some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Capturing special moments with my camera and preserving them forever is my passion. If you would like for me to capture special moments for you and your family, contact me today! I look forward to getting to know you and your fabulous world.
The weather here has been pretty bad all week so I was a little nervous for this session that was scheduled a while ago...An amazing family reunion of sorts, where 4 families from different parts of the country come in for a week long vacation to the Beautiful Sea Island. So it wasn't something we could re-schedule. Then all of a sudden, on picture day, the sky cleared and the only problem we had was TOO much sun ;) They totally worked through the squinting and rocked this session...Here is a little sneak peek:
When I sat down with this adorable couple a few months ago to plan out this session, I knew instantly we were a good match. They were up for color, texture and most of all, some fun! We braved the rain and headed downtown to showcase this Hot Mama-to-be. They had me cracking up the whole time...this little baby is going to live in one happy home! You can't help but smile when you are around them. Unfortunately it drizzled the entire session...but she still rocked every shot! Here is a sneak peek at our session last night...
I guess there is a rumor out there that my studio is the place to bring your baby when you want them to be wide awake ;) Miss A came by on her one month birthday and decided that sleep wasn't on her agenda...and I've decided that I LOVE awake babies!!! I mean, get out of town with those eyes...and that hair!!! Cuteness overload:
My niece Zoe's best friend is about to turn one in a few weeks so she stopped by my studio for some birthday shots today! I had to shoot quick today...Miss A is a busy time to sit still! Happy Birthday Miss A, I can't wait to celebrate with you at your party!!!
I love a good party...and this one is for the record books. A sweet Brother & Sister joint birthday party with an "Over the Top" circus theme. It was a feast for the eye and every little kids dream birthday party. A ferris wheel, a clown, pony rides and all of the favorite sweets you would find at the circus. What makes this party even more special is that their Mom worked for months creating this party by herself! And living in Florida, you definitely take a chance on having a party outside...summer showers happen just about every day. When I arrived to take some pre-party pictures, it was raining...and everything was WET!!! I give props to this Mom for keeping it together, as I would have been in a dark corner in tears! But right as the party was about to start, the rain let up and the sun came out. And it was perfect!
Newborns are a little tricky. The rule of thumb is you take newborn pics between 5-10 days old because they are so sleepy. Well Mr. B was going to teach us a lesson about assuming we know anything about newborn behavior, lol! He was a perfect angel...and I mean that, no crying or fussing. But for a record 7 hours...he was wide awake!!! I kept thinking surely he would get tired and close his eyes...but no, he was curious and delightfully looking around and us crazy adults trying to put him in funny poses ;) So we decided to just go with it and got some amazing pictures of his beautiful big blue eyes. Enjoy a sneak peek (in the last one it appears he was sleeping...hahahahaha, I think it was a blink, lol):
It's hard to believe it's been a year since I met Miss L's Mom to take her maternity pictures! We woke up really early for a sunrise session at Jacksonville Beach for her 9 month session and I was afraid that she might not like sitting in the sand...not the case at all! In fact, she loved it so much, she decided she wanted to eat most of it, lol!!! It was the funniest thing ever :)